The Age of Covid
Casa Marina Bed and Breakfast is committed to making your stay safe and convenient. Our staff are trained in disease prevention and early response to Covid-19 cases. Please help us ensure our mutual safety by complying with these safety protocols.
Mask Up! Keep your mask on when indoors. If you don't have a mask, let us know and we'll provide one for you.
Check Your Temper. We will check your temperature everytime you enter the property.
Disinfect Often. We are disinfecting regularly touched objects every hour. Things are going to smell different. Please bear with us.
Keep Your Distance. Please practice Social Distancing. As an SOP, Table settings will be set One Meter apart.
Sanitize. Wash often. Wash always. Toilets are stocked with hand soap and sanitizers are available everywhere.
Housekeeping on Demand. Entry to your room is limited but let us know when you want housekeeping or change of linens. Take note: Housekeeping will take longer than usual.
No Self Service. We love to keep it casual here but for eveyone's safety, its best that we do the serving. Let us know what you need and we'll get it for you.
Casa Marina Staff are vaccinated but we will continue to adhere to safety protocols set by the DOH, WHO and DOT